7inch vinyl (with download code) + CD + 6 paper pieces + liner notes



Stijn Hüwels is a Belgian musician and sound artist, mainly using processed guitar, loops and field recordings. His instrumental work is often characterized by a profound fascination for minimalism. Shortly after releasing his first album, 'Untitled', in 2011, Yukitomo Hamasaki of mAtter contacted Hüwels to inquire if he would be interested in making an album for his label. Even though the Belgian had been making music for several years, he didn’t feel the urge to release it. But things change and after a few they got in touch again. Yukitomo was still into the idea of releasing an album and so it happened after all.

While the album has a title (Six Pieces For Guitar), the separate pieces themselves don’t. It’s not that these instrumental ventures don’t have any trademarks that distinguish themselves from each other, of course, but Hüwels wanted to accentuate the creative listening process. Even though the music is created in fairly solitary circumstances, by a musician who may or may not have had a preconceived idea of what he wanted to convey, the kind of music Hüwels makes never smothers the listener’s freedom.

The inclusion of field recordings, something that has always distinguished the musician’s releases, is of course something entirely personal (just like the tools used) in the music’s conception, but this is not necessarily the case anymore once it finds its audience. This is not the kind of music that is based on prefixed ideas, obvious pointers and tight construction motifs. Instead, it follows a flow of ideas and an exploration of sound and textures that are not only about the thinking process, but also about the qualities of the material itself. As such, it allows for multiple interpretations.

The soothing guitar waves, dreamy looping technique and ghostly sounds are already descriptions that might reveal a certain attitude towards the music, but it can get more personal. And what might sound melancholic and meditative to the first listener, might have different, even divergent associations for the next one, depending on the identity, mood, age, experience and even geographical location. And that’s what it was about for Hüwels: finding that delicate balance where his approach can be identified as his own, but where the music can still function as a trigger. Like any other art form music can leave a lot unexplained, in the middle, to be filled in by the listener.

Stijn Hüwels はベルギー出身の音楽家でありサウンド・アーティストです。彼はフィールドレコーディングされた音とギターの音色を繰り返し加工すること、そしてミニマリズムに対する深く尽きる事のない興味が、彼の作品の特徴といえます。

彼が2011年に'Untitled'という作品を発表した直後、mAtterレーベルのYukitomo Hamasakiは、彼にmAtterレーベルの為にアルバムを制作することに興味をもっているか尋ねました。彼は数年の間、音楽を制作していましたが、リリースには至りませんでした。しかし再び連絡を取り始め、Yukitomoはアルバムをリリースするというアイディアをまだもっており、何度かの話し合いを経て、今回のリリースが決定しました。

アルバムタイトルでは"SIX PIECES FOR GUITAR"とありますが、それぞれの楽曲は互いに区別する任意のタイトルを持っていないわけではありません。しかしStijnは創造的なリスニングプロセスを強調したかったのです。たとえ音楽が孤独に作られていたとして、音楽家によって伝えたかったものの有無にかかわらず、Stijnは彼自身の音楽においてリスナーへ想像の余地をのこしています。



text by Guy Peters 

FORMAT : 7inch vinyl (with download code) + CD + 6 paper pieces + liner notes 


RELEASE DATE : 2016 Feb 01


A side - We Were An Island

B side - Osmanthus Fragrans


*we need the time for cutting vinyl because we will be cut after ordered one by one. 




01. untitled I

02. untitled II

03. untitled III

04. untitled IV

05. untitled V

06. untitled VI


PRICE : 3500yen (including Tax) / without shipping cost


all music by Stijn Hüwels   composed & recorded  spring/summer 2015 & 2016

mastered by Ian Hawgood

thanks and love to Yukitomo, Ian, Guy and Maïté.


These commodities are the prints, vinyl cutting   -  one by one 

cover design by mAtter

vinyl cut : CUT BY 1977 RECORDS